
Bedi Mahavir Temple
Bedi Mahavir, the two-armed Hanuman Temple by the sea at Puri, Odisha
Distance from Puri: 2.5 kms
At: Chakratirtha Road, Post/Via/Telsil/District : Puri, Pin: 752001, Odisha
On the left side of the Chakratirtha road leading from Subash Bose Chowk to Penthakata
Date of construction:
Bedi Mahavir temple was built in 15th Century A.D. during Suryavamsi Gajapati rule in Ashlar Masonry building technique. Presently it is under the ownership of Endowment Department, Government of Odisha.
The Temple:
Bedi Mahavir a small temple by the sea is dedicated to the two-armed Hanuman, a faithful devotee of Lord Rama of the great epic Ramayana. He is holding a laddu in his left hand a mace in his right hand. The temple has a pidha vimana and a modern rectangular Jagamohana of Kalingan order.
Pana Sankranti (the 1st day of the Solar Calendar), Hanuman Jayanti, Rama Navami etc. are observed in temple.
The Exteriors of the temple houses an image of Anjana holding a baby in her lap and seated over a lotus pedestal, a female divinities and the image of Lord Ganesh.